Friday, January 25, 2013

First Assignment

What is your computer experience?

I have grown up with computers so I am very computer savvy. I remember when I used to use a web-TV box for internet access. I also play a lot of video games so I am very familiar with how different mechanics of different technologies work.

What is your major class?

My major class is not definite right now but I am in pursuit of game design. I have grown up with video games and I would love to create them.

What do you hope to get out of this class?

I hope to gain some new computer and art experience out of this class. I also want to experience what it is like to work in this area of expertise with people who have the same goals as I do.

Who is your favorite artist?

My favorite artist is Leonardo Da Vinci. His work always creates visual stories and raises questions that only he knows the answer to. He is also in my line of ancestry.

Write a five line story.

After his long and strenuous journey, the adventurer finally reached his destination: the hidden grotto at the end of the cavernous dungeon into which he had ventured. In front of him lies a room full of translucent crystals that seemed to line the entire perimeter of the grotto. He cautiously approaches the center of the room in which there was one crystal of enormous size protruding through the ground. As he gently lies his hand on the crystal's surface, a faint glow begins to engulf his hand and his mind is thrown into a state of pure knowledge in which the human brain could never comprehend on its own. It was now that he had the knowledge and willpower to vanquish the dark and shadowy entity that had stolen away his dearly beloved's life.

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